

Conscious Living and Dying group is a community of individuals that have come face to face with the reality of our mortality and the beauty of living. This awareness has brought us to a place of action, and from this loving intention this site has been birthed.

The idea of death and dying is something that affects all of us at one level or another. We all know people that have died and/or those that are left behind. As we surrender to the reality of our mortality, a freedom and peace has come and led us into a desire to share this group with others.

Our group meets once a month to have a conscious conversation and to support one another. The level of experience and expertise varies and it has proven to be very supportive to those around us. If you are desiring to join us, please contact us by clicking here.

Mahalo… The CLAD Clan!


The discussions and sample documents in this site are provided for the purpose of education. The information is not intended to take the place of legal counsel. It is not intended to be a complete statement of law nor is it intended to fully describe or evaluate your options. We do not recommend any specific action or document.

For legal assistance and document preparation contact the Legal Aid Society of Hawaii :

  • Kauai Office. Phone 808-245-4728.